TransistorAmp is an educational program that allows you to design circuit amplifiers with transistors of three different types: common-base circuits, common-emitter circuits, and common-collector circuits.
The circuits are already created; you don't need to know about placing or connecting the components, the formulas, or how to create a circuit. You only need to provide the information of the input data such as lower cut-off frequency, output impedance, resistor standard series, transistor type, etc. The list of transistors includes more than 3000 items both NPN and PNP types, so you can make all the possible variations with the input data.
After a circuit is created, the program will show the result of the resistors and capacitors required to obtain the desired values - for the given input data - the operational point, and the diagram of the circuit.
The only disadvantage of the program is that you can design a circuit amplifier but you cannot test it, so if you want to do this you have to do it with another program.
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